OCA Accredited
As an accredited camp, Camp Gitchigomee follows and maintains the set of standards developed by the Ontario Camps Association. The OCA supports, advances, promotes and accredits camps throughout Ontario, providing resources to ensure quality in all areas of operations, programming, health and safety, and employment.
Camp Gitchigomee Corporate Objectives
“To operate and maintain a Christian camp where children and others receive instruction in the Christian faith, and where camping, sporting, crafts, water skills
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is charged with the responsibility of managing the affairs of the corporation. The Board is composed of nine directors, elected and retired in rotation at the annual general meeting, plus the Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Algoma or an appointed representative (ex-officio). The 2022 Board consists of the following:
• President: Michael Wolfe
• Vice-President: Jacob Reszitnyk
• Secretary: Danielle Reszitnyk
• Treasurer: Heather Nelson
• At Large: Heidi Dreher-Wolfe, Angela Alberta, Jonathan Blanchard, Andrea Dumas, and Eleanor Bennett
• Ex-Officio: Venerable Deborah Kraft on behalf of Most Reverend Anne Germond
Our A
Board meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every other month, except July, August,
Camp Gitchigomee is made up of persons who have a keen interest in the camp, and who have applied to the Board of Directors to become members. Applicants must verify that they
• are at least 18 years of ages
• are active members of Anglican or other Christian churches
• recognize and support the objects, mission
• have paid the annual membership fee (currently $5.00)
Applicants become members when they have been admitted by the Board and informed as such by the Secretary. Membership entitles voting privileges at the annual and any general meetings of the Corporation.
Members are encouraged (as they are able) to take active roles in the spiritual, operational and financial aspects of this ministry.
If you are interested in becoming a member, please complete the Camp Gitchigomee Membership Application form and forward it to the camp office.
Four Standing Committees have been established to assist the Board in managing the camp. They are the:
• Nominating Committee
• Finance Committee
• Property Committee
• Programs and Personnel Committee
As may be necessary, the Board may establish Ad Hoc Committees to undertake specific tasks.
Camp Gitchigomee is blessed with many volunteer staff who give of their time & talents to make the camps happen each summer. Each camp week is overseen by a different camp Director(s), who
Volunteer Staff:
• Camp Director(s)
• Assistant Camp Director
• Health Care Provider
• Spiritual Director(s)
• Cabin Leaders
• Junior Cabin Leaders
• Crafts Leader
• Sports & Games Leader
• Maintenance Leader
• Dining Hall Supervisor
• Campfire Leader
• Babysitter
Employed Staff:
Waterfront and kitchen staff complete the staff complement and are paid positions. Interested applicants can apply using the application forms available on our volunteer page; completed forms can be submitted to campgitchigomee@gmail.com
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or employed staff, please see our Volunteer page